Royal Cat Coffee

Golden Turmeric Elixir 750 ml bottle

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Golden Turmeric Elixir (GTE), imported from Australia, is bursting with flavor and goodness. It's a concentrated blend of turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and organic vanilla extract. The Original uses a bit of Australian raw sugar (cane) for hint of sweetness. It's vegan (dairy free), gluten free, caffeine free and GMO free - and no artificial colors or flavors are ever added.

Served warm as a calming latte, or cold as a refreshing golden milk, Golden Turmeric Elixir is smooth and delicious, never any grit or sediment, as can be the case when using most any turmeric powder. It's a great add-on superfood shot in smoothies or shakes, fresh juices or wellness shots, breakfast bowls (yogurt or granola), sauces and curries, desserts and baked goods, and cocktails!